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Le Genou in Genolier (VD)

Le genou à Genolier : Explorations diagnostiques et thérapeutiques.


Une après-midi dédiée à l'exploration des pathologies traumatiques et dégénératives du genou. Cet événement s'adresse aux médecins généralistes, médecins du sport, chirurgiens orthopédiques et physiothérapeutes, ainsi qu'à tous les professionnels de santé concernés.


12:45-12:55 Welcome

12:55-13:00 Welcome, Dr Roland Gardon, FMH Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinique de Genolier

13:00-13:30 How to approach a knee from a clinical point of view, Dr Julie Küffer, FMH Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Specialist in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Clinique de Genolier

13:30-14:00 Which knee imaging is right for my patient? X-ray reading and typical pitfalls, Dr Yaël Maeder, FMH Specialist in Radiology and Specialist in Musculoskeletal Radiology, Clinique de Genolier

14:00-14:30 Conservative treatment of knee sprains, Dr Julie Küffer, FMH Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Specialist in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Clinique de Genolier

14:30-15:00 Knee sprains in physiotherapy, Anthony Leite Da Costa & Rémi Grenard, Physiotherapists, Clinique de Genolier

15:00-15:30 Flexum: the enemy of the knee, Dr Laurent Gillain, FMH Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinique de Montchoisi

15:30-16:00 Surgical management of traumatic knee injuries, Dr Roland Gardon, FMH Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinique de Genolier

16:00-16:40 BREAK


16:40-17:00 Punctures and infiltrations of the degenerative knee: indications and results in clinical practice, Dr Yaël Maeder, FMH Specialist in Radiology and Specialist in Musculoskeletal Radiology, Clinique de Genolier

17:00-17:30 Osteoarthritis of the knee: refresh on best practices in conservative treatment and focus on new developments, Dr Samy Benchouk, FMH Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Specialist in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Clinique de Genolier

17:30-18:00 Degenerative knee in physiotherapy, Frédéric Tambutte, Physiotherapist, Clinique de Genolier

18:00-18:30 Surgical management of degenerative knee injuries in 2024, Dr Roland Gardon, FMH Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinique de Genolier

18:30-19:00 New technologies in knee prosthesis, Dr Michel Bonnin, Orthopaedic surgeon and traumatologist, President of the European Knee Society, Lyon

19:00 Questions, conclusion & aperitif dinner


  • SEMS (Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland) : 6 credits
  • SSMPR (Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation): 5 credits
  • Swiss Orthopaedics: 5 credits
  • SSMIG (Swiss Society of Internal Medicine): 4 credits
  • Physioswiss: 3 credits


  • Swiss m4m Center
  • GE HealthCare
  • Sitem Startup Club (SSC)
  • Anandic
  • Swiss Medical Network
  • Accuray
  • Johnson & Johnson Innovation
  • Biopôle